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Libro ENERGETISMO - POSTEVOLUCIÓN                                Descarga gratis el .pdf





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Concerning Living Systems


All living systems require energy to maintain their structures.  Inversely, in order to use this energy all living systems require a given structure, which is thus universal for all living systems. 

In relation to said structure, all living systems have to include the following minimum features:

1.- A sensor subsystem to locate energy.

2.- A subsystem capture tool, to capture the energy.

3.- A metabolic subsystem which transforms the energy and distributes it to the other subsystems (sensor and capture tool) whilst using some of the energy itself.  [1]

This schema is useful in reference to single-cell systems and to some large groups of multi-cell systems, such as fungi and plants.  Nevertheless, the structure of the living systems described up until now is rewarded by the appearance of a fourth  subsystem, a decision making system, capable of determining what to do with the energy available at any given time: whether to use it to find more energy or to capture the located energy, whether to capture or to flee.




copyright alfredo colunga






All images and text in this article © ALFREDO COLUNGA






The evolution of this fourth subsystem, in competition with others, leads to intelligence (a necessary consequence of the process).  An intelligence that will evolve in competition with others.

This fourth subsystem requires the appearance of memory, understood to mean the comparing of two successive states. Comparisons with previous states allow ever more precise decisions to be made concerning actions to be taken, surpassing the evolutionary stage of trial and error, and consequently accelerating evolution.

This schema, with the inclusion of intelligence (memory plus learning capacity for the capture of energy) has developed independently on multiple occasions. In fact, we might affirm that its inclusion characterises the animal kingdom.

From these affirmations we can conclude that where there is life, intelligence will tend to appear.










________________________Living Social Systems



Intelligence is transformed into consciousness, or self-consciousness, when the living system becomes capable of establishing trends of energy availability: evaluating its own energy limitations and those of its competitors.  This step requires not only consciousness of previous experiences of the biological system, but also consciousness of experiences which occurred to previous generations of biological systems. It thus requires the prior creation of a social system which is able to store information. 

This social system therefore shares the same structure as biological systems: locating energy, capturing energy, transforming and distributing it to its subsystems. Thus allowing us to refer (in the strictest sense) to living social systems: individuals, families, tribes, or even companies and states. Humanity as a whole is still not a living system, given that the manner in which it is organised does not match the above structure.

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Biological and Postbiological Evolution _________

All living systems, by capturing energy from their environment, alter their environment.   As such, living systems have to invest, and have investment tools, which allow them to continue to capture energy in an altered environment.

The main investment tool of living biological systems is reproduction with modifications: the living system continues to capture energy, but via its successors.  Mortality is therefore essential to the process; though this has the effect, amongst other things, of resulting in the loss of a considerable amount of accumulated knowledge. 






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Nevertheless, in the case of living social systems, the investment tools are such that individuals sacrifice themselves, but the structure of the system survives.  And also does knowledge.

The conservation of knowledge results in an increasing ability to create models, both of the system itself and its environment. These models increase the ability to analyse possible risks and limitations.  As a consequence, evolution in living social systems does not just signify a tendency to generate intelligence, as seen in biological systems, but also the increased robustness of the systems involved.

The existence of the word “innovation” is the expression of a new evolutionary process: social living systems do not merely adapt themselves to the environment, but rather actively seek out new energy sources and consciously invest in capturing energy from these sources by the development of suitable tools and their inclusion in the productive process. Innovation no longer solely depends on chance and trial and error which, in turn, accelerates the evolutionary process enormously. In such systems, the Darwinian notion of “adaptation to the environment” has been replaced by the post-Darwinian concept of “conscious creation of new environments”.









Videoescultura THERE IS A UNIVERSE

Homo Sapiens Versus Social System


The individual is the mortal cell in a system striving for immortality.  If immortality exists, then it corresponds to the social system that mankind is creating.  Homo sapiens becomes a subsystem and is thus subjected to the rules established by the social system. Man forms part of the social system fulfilling some of its functions:  as a metabolic subsystem (in the modern-day world referred to as banking, transport, the processing industry or trade); as a sensor subsystem (researcher, artist); as a decision-making subsystem (governor); or as a capture tool (primary sector).   Homo sapiens is a teacher (investment tool) or doctor (homeostatic tool).  However, he can never adopt all of these functions simultaneously nor may the structure which makes them up be broken, except momentarily.  He changes from “homo sapiens” to “homo celula”, and the evolving living system is thus the social system.





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OPYOUM | Tesseract. Videosculpture. ALFREDO COLUNGA - All Rights Reserved -

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___________________________________ Beyond



The universe, understood in terms of a matrix in which the living systems described above germinate (that is, systems which are progressively more efficient energy users and more robust) does not tend towards disorder, but rather towards structuring.



still from alfredo colunga audiovisual artwork all rights reserved

Still from audiovisual artwork by ALFREDO COLUNGA - All Rights Reserved -





In terms of this description, the universe is therefore a structure capable of holding living systems which are rewarded for generating intelligence. Intelligence, in turn, is rewarded by the creation of increasingly complete models of its environment, allowing a greater ability to interact with the environment, foreseeing its limitations, and hence forming living systems which are increasingly robust.

In the limit, this tendency will lead to the ability to create a general model of the universe and execute it.  Even further, we can even speak of a “Causa sui” Hypothesis: in that moment (state) our universe will be created [2]. Nevertheless, the understanding of that process, which would result in the merging of science and religion, is beyond the scope of our current technological capabilities [3].





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Energy ___________________________________


Astrobiology studies the possibilities of life in the universe, using the conditions for life on the Earth as a basis.  It would be of equal interest to create a theoretical model that delimited the classification of Earth as an optimal planet, not for the life which has thus far developed, but rather expanding this life beyond its current development.  Is our planet ideal for the unlimited development of life processes or, due to the characteristics of the solar systems and its location in the galaxy, is it merely an oasis of life on a tiny island in the midst of a vast ocean? Fertile, yes, but far from other coasts, and unable to propagate its success beyond its own narrow limits.







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Living systems are not characterised by the use of energy and its degradation (Second Principle of Thermodynamics), but rather that each item of energy consumed is an opportunity to continue locating and consuming energy, either for oneself (individuals) or for the living social system of which one forms a part.

In the competition not only to increase the efficiency of energy consumption, but also to guarantee access to new energy via conscious innovation, accessible energy will be more and more abundant, and its use, by an ever more robust living system, increasingly efficient.

The quotient of energy consumed in comparison with energy degraded will grow; and the quotient of (future) located energy in relation to energy consumed will also tend to grow.  Living systems will separate themselves more quickly from a tendency for disorder (entropy).

But we are currently in an extreme historical era: globalisation means that whilst the secondary and tertiary sectors of our economy (metabolic subsystem) are becoming increasingly efficient and complex, the primary sector (capture tool), in terms of raw materials external to the living social system, is entering a critical period.  Each primary subsector knows the limits of the asset being disputed, which is presented as limited and not renewable. This means that the companies associated with the asset may only grow by buying other companies (not by discovering new reserves). This leads to concentrated ownership, the generation of speculative prices for said assets, and ultimately, the imposition of prices (not in function of supply and demand, but rather as a result of the extent to which the assets are controlled and the degree to which they are needed).

This process will only be reversed by the appearance of a new, apparently unlimited, energy source, which will also redefine available raw materials (which may be defined as the materials needed for productive processes and accessible in function of available energy) [6]. The process of energy renovation requires a pact with the current energy producers.








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                               Video Still from the E day for energy webinstallation by ALFREDO COLUNGA - All Rights Reserved -



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The Economics of the robustness

imagine the economics of robustness



Economic Energetism __________________copyright alfredo colunga




The social living system goes to extinction or robustness. The first option is possible, but irrelevant in terms of action: we have consumed almost every resource or fossil energy and the Future appears as our only option. In this (increasingly robust) future, all the Institutions and Processes that guarantee such a future must be created. The time has arrived for a Social Economy.





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· La palabra que falta / The missing word

































         El ingeniero detesta la incertidumbre

El matemático la ama

El filósofo ama... la estructura



El médico investiga el sistema

Lo corta

Lo pega

Lo remienda, cual zapatero remendón


El fontanero

detesta perder


El electricista

quiere ganar


la mujer guapa busca

con inteligencia

la belleza


el banquero ve dinero

donde tú un estercolero

sin embargo


nadie ama el superávit

como el ama de casa


el pintor ve las formas,

las texturas

los colores


el escritor lee

las formas

del lenguaje

de las flores


la actriz presenta

la mente

de los actores del mundo.


el ornitólogo es

un crítico de altos vuelos

y el aeronáutico vive


que deja el suelo


La abogada no se engaña

y sabe que es instrumento


Mientras, la jueza


equilibrios con sus dueños


El loco

habita los mundos

que no retornan impuestos.


El adicto al sexo

y el adicto a la heroína

son primos hermanos


son los únicos que han dicho:

no cambiaría este lugar

por nada


La alpinista es adicta al hipoxígeno,

mezclado con altas dosis


tensión muscular.


El presidente

ve todo...

lo que le dejan


y el caricaturista

distingue las huellas


que la mente


sobre el cuerpo


El mundo existe

entre todos


todos ven

mundos invisibles...


que son el nuestro













































· La palabra que falta / The missing word






























 · Construcción de un gag. Primera versión con erratas.































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